It is very attractive to learn more about the Japanese cuisine with the help of a cook by preparing the dish freshly on the spot. The soba making process was more fun than I’d thought...
**** This restaurant has already been closed. We are very sorry to notice it. **** **** But we started to operate Tourist Hub TRAIL near JR Gotemba station. **** A cosy spot with great music and good...
Interesting for anyone who hasn’t been to this kind of place in Japan before. There seemed to be a lot of varieties around the shops and the area was quite clean and didn’t smell too fishy....
**** This restaurant has already been closed. We are very sorry to notice it. **** The restaurant Godai specializes in lamb meat, which was very tasty. The staff was dedicated and always had an eye on...
A good base for doing some hiking, which must be a lot of fun in the warmer months. "Mori no Eki" means forest station. The giant picture board by the building gave all of us a...
My first impression was one of a nice welcoming Irish Pub. It was nicely decorated and displayed a good mixture of the Western and Japanese drinking cultures. The menu was made out of thin wood,...
Meitetsu Saikan is one of famous Chinese restaurant in Gotemba. You can enjoy good foods and drinks in very comfortable space. Foods are authentic chinese style. And all of staff at this restaurant have a high hospitality. So...
Tourist Hub TRAIL was closed on May 31 2021. Tourist Hub TRAIL is located at near JR Gotemba Station Mt. Fuji side. Tweet from Tourist-Hub-TRAIL Gotemba Shizuoka Japan !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s),p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+"://";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); > Tourist Hub TRAIL
Aug 2022, Shoya Gotemba was closed. A pub of the whole country chain "Shou-ya" is right in front of Gotemba station Fujisan side. If you go out of the station, it would be possible to...
御殿場は駿河湾と相模湾の分水嶺に位置するので、両方の港で揚がる魚が入ってくるため、山ではあれど意外に美味しい魚が食べられます。 駿河湾の名物といえば、「生しらす」と「さくらえび」が挙げられます。写真は、御殿場駅前の居酒屋のもの。どちらも、上品な甘みで酒が進みます。 地元の寿司屋では、握り1人前に生しらすとさくらえびの軍艦が入っていたりします(写真は「沼津魚がし鮨」のもの)。かき揚げなどで食べることもあります。三島駅の新幹線ホームにあるの駅そば「桃中軒」では、しらすのかき揚げとさくらえびのかき揚げのかき揚げそばが食べられます。もちろん、沼津港近くにたくさんある海鮮料理の店に行けば、困ることはありません。 駿河湾での漁期を調べてみると、 しらす) 静岡県漁業調整規則により、禁漁期間が1月15日から3月20日と定められており、それ以外の期間に漁獲されています。 つまり、3月21日解禁、翌年の1月14日まで。 さくらえび) 静岡県漁業調整規則により、産卵期である6月11日から9月30日が禁漁期間と定められており、また、漁業者が自主的に1~3月頃を禁漁としているため、漁期は、3月下旬~6月上旬までの「春漁」と、10月下旬~12月下旬の「秋漁」とに分かれています。 ということです。 つまり、新鮮なしらすとさくらえびの両方を生で食べられるのは、4月、5月、11月、12月ということになります。御殿場、沼津、三島の和食の店をこの時期に訪れたら、忘れずに食べておきたいものです。 ・参考リンク  静岡市のホームページ